SIETAR at Barceloninas round table
What a special experience to participate in the round table discussion at Universitat de Barcelona on 6 March! Sitting with the other six powerful women, Helena Moço Lopes (SIETARian), Sophie Brown, Diana Pérez Molina, Brenda Pimentel, Julie Perigo, myself, Deepika Bhoolabhai (SIETARian) and moderated by Noemi Pereda.

The evening provided a space for women to express their voices, as Barceloninas.
From younger to elder and from various parts of the world, we shared our stories. It reminded me of ancient times – when people would sit around a fire and share wisdom.
We spoke about how we feel about this precious city, how it has provided us with so much opportunity, diversity, interculturality, beauty, and love. We also shared the various challenges that Barcelona had in store for each of our individual journeys. We spoke about what we brought to the city and how, though we come from other parts of the world, we are now women of Barcelonina,
Barceloninas, supporting each other, helping each other and co-creating our lives together.
The evening was wrapped up with a delicious meal, beautifully prepared by Jackeline Villalba and Diana Pérez – with help from Abrazo Cultural

The night ended with a delicious meal, so carefully and beautifully prepped by Jackeline Villalba and Diana Pérez
Thanks to Brian David George (SIETARian) for providing the space for us women to express our voices, as Barceloninas.