IACCM Knowledge Bites, hosted by SIETAR  España, are innovative ideas and concepts from academic papers relevant for the work of professionals. Publish your research with impact and contact us: research@sietar.es

The Knowledge Bite Publication edited by the IACCM (In­ter­na­tio­nal As­so­cia­ti­on of Cross-Cultural Com­pe­tence and Ma­nage­ment) based at Vienna University of Business & Economics (WU Wien). The IACCM is an academic forum for experts in all fields of research who take an interest in and are concerned with cross-cultural topics and was formed to establish a network of researchers and practitioners interested in and concerned with cross-cultural subjects. More information about IACCM can be found on the webpage here.



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This is THE publication format 😊

Editorial Team

Opening gateways between different fields of cross cultural studies

Dr. Barbara Covarrubias Venegas
Barbara defines herself as a Virtual Enthusiast, researcher by education, speaker by passion and author by results.
She is passionate about New Ways of Working & Learning, Positive Leadership & CULTURE overall. As a researcher, for the past 10 years, she has been very involved with the New Ways of Working Research community across the globe, not only as a researcher or professional, but also as a virtual team leader and team member.
As a consultant and keynote speaker Barbara works with and for companies such as Wiener Stadtwerke, ORF Salzburg, WIFI Management Forum, Unicredit, Allianz, WKÖ and many more.

Certified in: Positive Leadership by Dr. Markus Ebner, Interkulturelle Expertin Cultural Detective, Lebensphasenorientierung Generationenmanagement NESTOR GOLD Beraterin.

Webpage: www.barbaracv.com and www.virtualspacehero.com
Connect with Barbara via LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbaracv

Verena Hanna

Verena Hanna, M.B.A.
After completing a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and a master’s in International Development, she started working on her dissertation at the Institute for Contemporary History, focusing on Visual History, for which she received grants to complete a longer research stay at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2018 as well as a shorter one in 2019. Her fluency in languages such as Arabic, Hebrew and English enables her to conduct her research from multiple perspectives.

Professionally, she has experience in (digital) project management and marketing. She has been one of the editors of the Knowledge Bite series since its inception in 2018.

Image ©: Benedict Dopplinger 

David Fuchs

David Fuchs, M.B.A. 
David is a passionate Interculturalist and has worked with various cultures such as the Zulus in South Africa, Tamil people in Sri Lanka and the
Garifuna tribe in the Caribbean. He studied for his Bachelor and Master degree at universities in Austria, Belize, Bhutan and Indonesia and
specialized in the fields of intercultural management, social management, organizational – and human resource development.

Professionally he works for the Austrian Agency for health and food safety (AGES) within the department for human resource development,
digitalisation, health care management and human relations.